Meet Our Sponsor: Chelsea Lindblad, Realtor with HomeSmart

I am very excited to introduce you to our first sponsor, Chelsea Lindblad, Realtor with HomeSmart. Chelsea was a patient of midwives Belinda and Diane, founders Willow Midwife Center for Birth and Wellness, with her first child when they were working for a hospital-based practice. 

She found them for the birth of her second child and absolutely fell in love with the birth center model of care. She understands the importance of evidence-based birth for all women and families, not just those that can afford the out-of-pocket cost. To that end, she has supported Willow Wish and our mission since our very first fundraiser back in 2016.

We thank Chelsea for her support as a Sapling Sponsor, and we are pleased to offer you this "Inside Look" at her work as a realtor here in the East Valley of the Phoenix Metro Area.

WW: Tell us about your business or service.
CL: I am a Realtor with HomeSmart serving the East Valley.

WW: Who are the owners of and/or the key players in your company? 
CL: Me :) Realtor, Police Wife, Mom of 2, Doula

WW: Who does your business or service seek to serve?
CL: Buyers and Sellers in the East Valley

WW: What makes your business or service unique?
CL: How hard I work for my clients. It's not just a job, I really love it and only take a couple clients at a time so I can focus all my efforts on them.

WW: What motivated you to start your business or service?
CL:  I have worked in real estate or something related to real estate my whole career.  From title, mortgage, real estate accounting, home flipping, to auction bidding, I've seen it all!

WW:  What inspires you?
CL: Handing over the keys to new buyers and seeing their excitement! How to contact our sponsor:

Chelsea Lindblad
PHONE: 480-236-3251
LOGO LindbladRealty